Monday, January 23, 2012

Turkey meatloaf

So it has been a while since I made things to freeze and be eaten later.

Today I decided to experiment with some ground turkey. Lately since I've been just doing turkey meatballs, I decided to make a loaf instead.

I was feeling lazy and did not want to make bread crumbs, neither did I want to use the whole wheat bread that I had.

During December there were many sales on stove top stuffing. I admit I like stove top stuffing for some odd reason. I like homemade stuffing better but box stuffing is good and quick. So I crushed the bag of stuffing mix. I diced some yellow onion and some red onion. I like to have green peppers in my meat loafs but today I didn't have any peppers.

Since the box stuffing usually is well seasoned I just tossed everything into a large bowl and added two eggs. If I want to add spice I will normally add cayenne, today I added sriracha.
Also a little water to add moisture to the crumbs. I mushed it all together with the ground turkey.

The meat was formed into a loaf shape in to a 9x13 pan that was lined with foil. I would say the loaf was a little bit higher than the sides of the pan.

I basted the top of the loaf with more sriracha and topped it with tomato paste. Coating the whole surface with a layer of tomato paste. I set in the oven which was already hot from the cookie baking I did.

After 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven I poured a can of tomato sauce over it. This was to add more tomato to it as well as to prevent the tomato paste from burning.

I let it cook maybe another hour or so. I made the loaf a little on the higher side so that if I wanted make it into a meat loaf sandwich it would be the perfect size for the slice of bread.

Adding the tomato on top of the meat loaf just means the liquids in it will reduces and you get an intense tomato flavor. I actually do not mind if it gets a little blacked.

I decided not to add anything else to it being that I have not done this type of seasoning before. I did not want it to end up too salty. Options would have been maybe some cheese on top of the tomato. Some kosher salt to help bring out more of the tomato flavor. Or some fresh ground pepper.

I just plated it with a simple salad that was topped with a mild sesame dressing. No starch since there was stuffing in the meatloaf. It came out a little smaller than I expected. Next time I need to make it a little higher which would mean I more time in the oven.


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